Posts in "inspiration"
Ain't no party like a bananacorn party cuz a bananacorn party don't stop
Back in December, I attended a white elephant party at a friend from high school's house.

My gift ended up being the image below, framed. No one tried to steal it from me later, and I can't see why not.

There's something inherently mysterious and delightful about the Bananacorn. Maybe I know deep down that I can identify with Bananacorn more than I could just a bowl of bananas or just a heap of corn. Bananacorn and I. We get each other.

So I decided recently to remove it from the back of my car (where it's been for the past seven months), dust it off, and hang it in my studio. (Thanks, Jorden)

Also, just for kicks, below is the gift I gave, which was in puzzle form. Yes, it was a re-gift (thanks, James and Abby), and it was a hit. It was traded several times whilst Bananacorn and I remained (out of force, but still) committed to one another.

I ainʼt living in the dark no more
I knew he wrote a song called Beth/Rest.
I listened to the album, but didn't hear it the first few times. Does that happen to you?
Then it hit me. Damn, that last song is good.
Weeks later, I realized the title of it.

Though often agonizing, a slow processing brain has its benefits.
Joy seeps gradually into my life; I'm constantly surprised.
And everything strikes me when it's meant to.

This song is mine, in all it's cheesiness, sincerity, and glory.
I couldn't tell you what he's saying
but that makes sense.

The Flynn Paint Building

Last week was the East Tennessee Community Design Center's 100 Block Party Fundraiser.

I donated the piece above to their auction. It's a photograph of the former Flynn Paint Building, located on the corner of Summit Hill and 11th Street, in a window from Knox Heritage Salvage.

I used to be obsessed with this building. Obsessed is an understatement. I'd drive out of my way to pass it, daydream about owning it. I wrote business plans for how I'd use it and contacted the owner to see if he'd sell it.

But I had no money to offer him. It sat for a few years until he converted it into a bar. And he desecrated the building in the process. I lament the way it looks now. People say, "At least it's saved." They don't understand. I was in love.

I've made several pieces about it since then. A muse never dies even when it dies.
About the Painting: Only Girl in the World


This was one of two pieces I showed in the group exhibition


at the Fluorescent Gallery May 4. I made this painting earlier in the year when I was listening to the radio incessantly, specifically pop radio stations. The title of the piece is also the title of a song:

I painted the black and the red-orange on top of a plasticy floral motel bedspread, a material I found fitting. It is, but not excluded to being, a tribute to Rihanna's red-orange hair.

Two Zero One Two
The New Year is upon us and yes, I've made some resolutions. I know some people think it's pointless, but I think it's a great thing to do. I can always use some motivation and goal-setting to move forward.

My resolutions have to do mostly with making better decisions for a healthier, sounder life. Many things in life are ultimately out of our control, but there are little habits I've formed over the years that are getting in the way of the things I really want.

Maybe I won't get those things in the end. I can't be sure of that now, but day-to-day, I'd like to see if it's possible to chip away some of the bad and add on some good.

So here are some of my resolutions in no particular order:

1. Be a fastidious planner.

I've been reading the Artist's Guide by Jackie Battenfield. It's really great if you'd like to or are thinking about devoting your life to making art. One thing she talks about early on is making goals and then making a plan to reach those goals.

One way she keeps on track is by printing out and hanging up a whole year's worth of calendars in her studio so she can see them all at one time. I plan to do this in the next week.

Amongst many art-related plans I need to make and keep track of, I am also excited about planning some vacations this year, something I failed miserably at doing last year. This girl needs an ocean in her life! Fast!

2) No clothes or shoes buying, at least until June, maybe until December.

There are several reasons why I'm doing this, but mostly it has to do with wanting to manage money better and to plan at saving and buying things that are more expensive. If I keep frivolously buying clothing (I have a mild addiction to dropping cash I don't really have every time I go to thrift stores or Target), I will never be able to buy certain things that are more out of my reach. This also ties into Resolution No. 1.

3) No fast food in 2012.

You're probably thinking Ew, fast food is so gross. That will be easy. But, no, it won't be.

Fast food is delicious, convenient, and cheap, and in 2011, I formed a nice habit of eating it at least once a week, maybe more. I sort of blame my friend of the male persuasion for this (guys can get away with eating crap way more than girls/I can). I also blame my addiction to salt, but I'm ending my love affair this year, not only for my health, but also to ponder over where my food comes from and how important that is to me.

With that said, I will miss you, Chic-fil-A 8-count nuggets and McDonald's french fries.

I've made more resolutions, but I'll leave sharing just these three.

May 2012 be a blessed one.