2021 Intentions

I’ve been on a little break from work, which is a very rare occurrence. But every time I take a break, I remember something that I so easily forget: Breaks are the best.

The longer I have my head down working, the more I feel like I can’t stop. I feel like there’s never enough time or money. It makes it hard to take time off, but after a few days of vacation, I start to believe in abundance again.

It’s been about 13 days since I last worked, but I never can keep myself from scheming. That’s the fun part for me. Whenever I give myself space, the fogginess in my head starts to clear up, and I can see more clearly the direction I want to go. I can’t help but write and write and write about what I want.

So I’m writing this as a reminder to take breaks more often, and at all costs in 2021, get out of town as soon as possible. Traveling to fun new places is one of the best things I can do for my brain.

One of the things I’ve been thinking about the most is what my intentions for 2021 are. I don’t really have resolutions as much as a lot of goals I’d like to reach, which mainly means a bunch of habits I’d like to form. I think the spaciousness of a year with a pandemic helped me form a lot of good habits, but it was still way too easy to fall off of the bandwagon. And once I fall off the bandwagon, it takes me some time to get back up and keep moving forward. I’m still proud of the progress I made.

Anyway, here are the intentions I came up with. It’s worth mentioning that I spent the end of 2020 re-reading Big Magic, so I attribute many of these to Elizabeth Gilbert.

  1. Experience, create, and share beauty, delight, and humor as much as humanly possible.

  2. Choose to be compassionate, as much as humanly possible, especially when I’m feeling forlorn (which is far more often than I’d like).

  3. Create order as a service to others.

  4. Commit to curiosity.

  5. Find the path of least resistance for the things that I want.

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