Time to go home

I'm leaving New York tomorrow morning. Why am I not out on the town? Weeeell. I've spent enough money this week; it's time to stay in.

I'm sitting across from Luke, who is also on his Mac, and we're drinking wine, listening to music, humming along. He's in super-programing mode. I'm blogging. I'm ok with this ending.

I went to the rooftop of his and Jess's building to take photos of the sunset, hence the new banner at the top of this page. Here are some of the other photos (enjoy the self-portrait.):

One of my favorite parts of this trip was visiting the High Line. I thought it was incredible. (Click the hyperlink for the history)

In short, the elevated railway was abandoned in 1980. The city was going to tear it down, but a group of people, the Friends of the High Line, wanted to preserve it.

Hui and me.

And when we went, there were crowds, CROWDS of people up there. I was trying to figure out if the High Line connected people to anything, but no, not really. It's merely a destination, drawing people there because of what it is, not because of where it takes you. I was mesmerized, so impressed, for the visionaries of that project, the architects involved, to see how successful it has become.

I didn't need hordes of people to tell me of its success, however. I wish I could have been there with a few friends or alone. Bare feet, walking through a shallow pool of water, looking at the sparkling Hudson River in the distance.

Amanda, quintessential American

I'm grateful for this trip. I'm ready to get back to my precious baby kitten and my studio, however. And I kind of want to go swim in a stream in the Smoky Mountains sometime soon.

It's time to process all of this sensory overload.