Free to Group Think

I’ve had this idea to make these words with little birds for a while now.

And then, of course, I was scrolling Instagram and saw that Lisa Congdon just posted a sign that says the same thing. And then on top of that, it hit me how much she uses birds. (insert eye-roll emoji)

This type of thing happens so much, especially with Instagram being what it is, so I decided to make mine anyway! It’s not as if anyone can claim ownership to this saying today, but it sure is a sweet, concise, and very wise mantra.

This sign is actually a preliminary sketch for a larger installation idea, but I have so many ideas at the moment that I thought I’d at least start making small versions of them for now. If they stay in my head after that, I’ll pursue making the larger version later. Sounds like a solid game plan.

I love typography and graphic design, always so jealous of people that have that gift. Here’s my analog version of it, with little funny ghost/fishy-looking birds in flight.

I believe the more you know who you are, the freer you are to love others. Free as a ghost/fish-bird.

Beth MeadowsComment