Day 9

Day 9: As we broke down our campsite at the beautiful Chattahoochee Gap, a lady hiked by and announced that there would be hamburgers in Unicoi Gap, which was our ending point for the day, 4.7 miles away. With grilled meats on my mind and the fact that we were hiking a “short” day, I made myself miserable thinking I could get there fast or the hike wouldn’t be hard. It’s always hard for me. Even if it’s downhill and even if there’s the idea of hamburgers at the end. And then I started to think, “What if there are NO hamburgers?? What will become of me??” .
But once I got close enough, I could smell them, then a little later could see the wonderful sight of a church group (all the way from Alabama) grilling out and giving away free resupplies of food and first aid supplies to a bunch of hikers. .

Our now BEST friend Kevin was there and gave us a ride into Hiawassee, where we stayed in the wonderful establishment that is the Hiawassee Budget Inn. .
Around 4, close enough to our dinner time which is about 5, we walked a long mile, which Jacob still says is one of the most painful walks he’s ever walked, to eat Mexican food and drink margaritas. Thankfully on the way back, a really kind man who picks up hikers all the time, spotted us limping down the street, knew we were thru hikers and gave us a ride the rest of the way. #at2019 #livingingratitude

Beth MeadowsComment