Posts in "painting"
Can we can that memory? I'd like to keep it.

I want to congratulate Dottie Byrd for winning the Mason Jar Painting Giveaway via Button Bird Designs. Her response to the question, "What do you like best about mason jars?" was my favorite.

Mason jars were part of my educational experience, My mother and my five aunts gathered to harvest and can or freeze the fresh produce from my grandparent’s farm. They made it into a party for themselves, and I found the laughter, the camaraderie, the female gossip, and their fun irresistible. I was constantly hanging around, snooping when necessary, outright joining in if permitted. I learned everything a girl could want to know and probably some things I shouldn’t have known at that age from that crew of wonderful women. So, in addition to the delicious contents of those old mason jars, I got myself some delicious womanly knowledge. I have a few of those old Ball jars in my kitchen and the sight always reminds me of those good times.

I like how she talks about learning "womanly knowledge" as a little girl through her mother and aunts. As a kid, I think that's the best way to learn, through experiencing something and not just being told something.

It also made me think about how much fun I have when I'm with my sisters. We've never canned together, but we cook and bake together at our parent's house for Christmas. A lot of laughter and yelling usually occurs over things like trying to interpret tattered recipes from 1945 or trying to find our way around our mom's cryptically organized kitchen.

It's not the type of behavior a young girl could probably gain any amount of growth from, as in Dottie's case, but we have fun at least.

Congrats, Dottie, for winning, for taking me on a trip down memory lane, and also for having one of the best names I've ever heard. Your mason jar painting is on its way.

P.S. You can have your very own for only $35!

Someone loves me, blogospherically
This morning, I got some love from the writer and DIY extraordinaire behind Button Bird Designs, Angela Statzer. She saw my mason jar paintings at Bliss Home this month and asked to feature me on her blog.

As you have probably gathered, I said yes.

She also asked me if I'd be willing to give away one of my mason jar paintings. 

To that, I also said yes. (Sometimes I'm that easy, what can I say.)

So if you'd like the chance to receive the mason jar painting shown below for free, there are two things you must do:

1) email me at and ask me to put you on my email update list, and

2) read the post about me by Angela and leave a comment telling why you love mason jars. I'll pick my favorite response Wednesday and that person will be the lucky recipient.

As always, if you like what I do and want to support, I have mason jar paintings for sale on Etsy and at Bliss Home in downtown Knoxville.

And, thanks again, Angela. If you come back through Knoxville, let me know so we can work on being friends in real life.
You're all winners, but Megan is more of a winner

I'm pleased to announce that Megan Cole has won last Saturday's picture challenge! She used her unbridled intelligence to find me in the photo below, and for that she will receive a gift.

She has won a mason jar painted on a thin sheet of laminated panel. It's orange because I like orange and not because I live in Knoxville. But, Megan, if you love the Vols, then you and this painting are a match made in heaven.

Either way, I hope you enjoy.

The tortoise (production) and the hare (ideas)
All the photos below are currently works in progress. I typically wouldn't show these photos but wanted to see if it might push me to finish them. 

I like anything that makes me think of Boo Radley and the gifts he would leave in the tree for Scout and Jem

which means I like the idea of the Little Free Library

which makes me want a house even more so that I could do something similar.

I don't know if she still does this, but Cynthia Markert used to laminate prints of her paintings and leave them around Knoxville. I know because I have one on my refrigerator. I found it stapled to a piece of plywood on an abandoned building downtown a few years ago. I wasn't quite sure if I was supposed to take it, but the way it was presented made me conclude it was meant for its finder.

I know I don't have to own a home to imitate this secret giving and receiving. It's something I'm going to think more about

but not right now because I am up to my ears in unfinished work.

I had a studio visit with Kelly Hider (fellow artist and studio-mate) last week who told me that it might do me some good to finish up what I'm working on and then focus in on one specific project.

I've been thinking a lot about this, how I could take one thing that I'm thinking about and push it as far as it will go. I'm not sure if I'm that type of artist. I'm pretty scattered, except for the mason jar paintings, which is the most consistent series I've ever stuck with, but that's not really what I'm talking about anyway. There's nothing I'm trying to solve as I make the mason jars.

Kelly and I are extremes; she's been working on the same project for at least six months and will continue to work on it over the next year.

I can't imagine that I have that kind of focus in me.

Also, I've always had a weird feeling about Series. If I plan to make 6 similar paintings, by the time I'd get to Number 6, it would be so far removed from Number 1 that it wouldn't look like a series anymore. Is the point not to meander or is ok for thoughts and ideas to evolve? How could they not?

Right now, it doesn't matter. I'm making a bunch of work (partly due to to my FB hiatus) and feel like it's all funneling toward a focus that may come in the next year or so. It's enjoyable at the very least, and isn't that what it's all about?

Exhibition Announcement: Bliss Home
I am very excited to be showing work at Bliss Home on Market Square this Friday, August 3 through the end of September.

There will be an opening reception this Friday for First Friday from 6-9pm. Come and eat cheese cubes with me.

As the weeks of the show progress, the work will change, especially when September hits, so please check in a few times.

Bliss asked me some questions about my work and this show and posted it on their website. You may read the interview here.

Paintings by Beth Meadows
Opening Reception August 3, 6-9pm
Show runs August - September 2012
Bliss Home
29 Market Square
Knoxville, TN 37902